“How did it feel when your wife died?” asks Isaac, a wide-eyed and serious fourth grader at Temple Shir Tikvah religious school in Winchester, Massachusetts. “I was very sad,” says Barry Kahn, a longtime temple member. “But it helped to know that the Caring Committee was there to support me.” Everyone in the room listens intently. Barry, 63, is at the religious school on this fall … [Read more...]
Learning to Care (Part 3): Personal Story Sharing
February 1, 2016 by Cindy Rivka Marshall
Filed Under: Children and Loss, Jewish Education, Story, Story Based Learning Tagged With: Caring, Chesed, empathy, g'milut chasadim, Jewish education, personal storytelling, shiva, teach with stories
Learning to Care (Part 1): Introduce a Theme with Stories
December 8, 2015 by Cindy Rivka Marshall
“There was once a princess who had never cried.” So begins a story I am telling to a group of children late one fall afternoon. My task is to introduce them to the themes of compassion and g’milut chasadim, or acts of lovingkindness. When I first enter the room at Temple Shir Tikvah’s religious school in Winchester, MA, I see twenty fourth graders gathered around tables. They are typically … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Jewish Education, Story, Story Based Learning Tagged With: Caring, Chesed, g'milut chasadim, storytelling in classrooms, teach with stories