Storytelling in Congregations
Oral History of Your Congregation
Conduct an Oral History project, interviewing congregants, founders, and members of all ages about their experiences and perspectives in your community. Cindy will consult on options for projects or ways to share your stories back out to the congregation.
Community Story Slam
Bring Cindy to your congregation. She will:
- model some of her stories, then facilitate an interactive session to get members sharing their own stories in small groups
- offer a series of storytelling workshops for adult members who wish to learn the craft of storytelling
- coach storytellers so their stories are polished and ready to be told
- advise on design of a community story sharing event, “Story Slam” or coffee house style event
Train Your Educators
Stories are a perfect way to transmit values and stimulate inquiry. Train your educators to use storytelling in the classroom. View workshops
Innovate your educational program with an intergenerational story-based approach, with an experienced consultant Read more here
Ambassadors Tell Stories of Impact
Congregants, Staff and Board become ambassadors and do outreach with effective stories of what makes your congregation special. Cindy has the skills to advise you on how to conduct interviews, record, edit and coach you to present your story. View workshops
Diversity Awareness
Build a sense of respect and understanding within your community and with guest speakers. Cindy coaches speakers, facilitates panels of personal story sharing and teaches a response technique designed to create a safe and empathic dynamic. Learn more
Bring in a professional storyteller for a holiday or educational event at your congregation. View storytelling programs
Congregational Connections
Cindy consults with congregations on how to facilitate connections between disparate groups, young and old, committees and classrooms – to build a stronger sense of a community learning together with a common purpose.
Read article about an innovative model for religious education that Cindy consulted on.
Sharing Personal Stories to Build Community
Cindy describes a program she designed:
View a video Cindy’s Story Based Learning project for Temple Shir Tikvah in Winchester, MA.