Grandma Jeanette and her sister Kitty were close in age and their good humored, wise cracking competition stretched well into adulthood. They both got married and pregnant with their first children in their early twenties and continued to live in the same Brooklyn neighborhood. Kitty’s baby was due three months before Jeanette’s. But Kitty’s due date came and went and nothing happened. Day … [Read more...]
Gathering Sparks
One night, on the new moon, the Ari led a group of his students out into the darkness. They carried no torch, and had only the stars to light the way. They walked until they came to a place and there they prayed. And as they swayed, it was as if they were rocked in a cradle of stars. Then there was silence, as profound as if it was the first day of creation. At midnight, the Ari spoke, revealing … [Read more...]
Frame Your Story
“How would you tell the story of what’s happening in this room?” I asked. “Depending on where you stand, you literally have a unique point of view.” I handed each person at my storytelling skills workshop a small rectangular cardboard frame. “Walk around the room and make choices about how you compose your shot,” I told them. “Step back to see a group of people, or get in close and focus on the … [Read more...]
Have Fun Telling the Exodus Story
“Waaa...!” I hear a baby wail and look across the room. I see the rabbi, curled up on the floor. He is playing the part of baby Moses. “Look!” shouts an eight year-old girl playing Batya, Pharaoh’s daughter. “There’s a baby in a basket floating on the river! I want to help him.” I am visiting a congregation in the southwest. I was invited to work with families to prepare for Passover. … [Read more...]