Story Arc | Cindy Rivka Marshall

Stories Create a Legacy

Ros was nervous. The night had arrived to tell her story at “The Emoth Hour” – Temple Emeth’s version of a “Moth” style coffee house with members telling personal stories. As people were setting up the social hall she confessed to me, “I’m not sure I can do this.”  I encouraged Ros to try a run through for the small group of storytellers who had arrived early. Supported and assured that her … [Read more...]

What is Stage Presence?

“What will she think of my performance?” I wondered as I stood backstage and spied my mother sitting in the 5th row back. She was not just an average proud parent in the school auditorium. My mother was an actress. I was used to sitting in the audience and watching her sing and dance on stage, and seeing plays that she had directed. Here I was, in my party dress, six years old, and about to … [Read more...]