Story Arc | Cindy Rivka Marshall

Learning to Care (Part 1): Introduce a Theme with Stories

“There was once a princess who had never cried.” So begins a story I am telling to a group of children late one fall afternoon. My task is to introduce them to the themes of compassion and g’milut chasadim, or acts of lovingkindness. When I first enter the room at Temple Shir Tikvah’s religious school in Winchester, MA, I see twenty fourth graders gathered around tables. They are typically … [Read more...]

Welcome to the Story Arc Blog

Welcome to the Story Arc Blog! Here you will find stories "from the field"- accounts of how I have used the tool of story to reach, teach and change in congregations, schools and other organizational settings. I hope you will find inspiration about what you can do, too. Don't hesitate to contact me with any questions. … [Read more...]